JKSSB Notification No. 04, 05, 06, 07 of 2020 and 01, 02, 03 of 2021 Exam Dates, JKSSB Junior Assistant Computer Based Type Test Dates, JKSSB Stenographer Short Hand Test 2021, JKSSB Clerks Computer Based Type Test, JKSSB Exam Dates 2021 for Various Posts, JKSSB Computer Based Type/Short Hand Test Dates Released, JKSSB Computer Assistant CBT Dates, JKSSB Personal Assistant Test Dates 2021
Conduct of Computer Based Type/Short Hand Test for the post of Junior Assistant, Computer assistant, Junior Scale Stenographer in pursuance to the Advertisement Notification No. 04, 05, 06 and 07 of 2020 and 01, 02 and 03 of 2021.
The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board is going to conduct the Computer Based Type/Short Hand Test for 1788 posts of various categories of Departments in UT Jammu and Kashmir. The exam will be conduct from 11th of October 2021, onwards. All the candidates, who have applied for the above said posts or notifications, can participate in the Computer Based Type/Short Hand Test to be held from 11th of October 2021, onwards.
JKSSB Computer Based Type/Skill Test Dates 2021 for Various Posts
Organization: JKSSB
Name of Post: Various
Total Posts: 1788
Name of Exam: Computer Basted Type/Short Hand Test
Exam Date: from 11thOctober 2021
Advertisement Notification: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 of 2020-21
JKSSB CBT/Skill Test Dates 2021
JKSSB has released the exam dates for following posts:
- Junior Stenographer
- Junior Scale Stenographer
- Steno Typist
- Personal Assistant
- Clerks
- Cashier
- Junior Assistant
- Computer Assistant
JKSSB will soon issue the batch wise, date wise list of candidates scheduled to participate in the Computer Based Type/Short Hand Test.
Click here for Official Notification